I'll be updating this blog when I've read a new book or an article in the news that I'd like to keep a track of. This is my way of keeping a running record of what I've read and what I thought of it.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

John dies at the end - David Wong

Whoops, forgot to write this review when I finished this book a few weeks ago.

First let me say that this book starts with a couple of major disadvantages when it comes to me writing a review of it.  Firstly, its a product of the modern world.  Which is to say that the author clearly loves films.  Nothing wrong with that, but I dislike books that are written with the author thinking about the movie adaptation.  Probably a little bit snobbish of me but I feel it undermines the value of books in general when an author does this.  However, in this case I don't think that was what was going on.  I think the author had a story to tell and likes films....so its easy to picture this being made into a film.  And indeed that is happening right at the moment.

Secondly, and more importantly, I'm a wuss.  I will not watch horror films or read horror stories.  This is a bit of a horror story.  Small problem for me then.

But I managed to put my snobbery and wussery aside and get on with the book.  And by and large I did get on with the book.  It clips along at a good pace and is generally entertaining while it does so.

I wont try to explain the book....because I'm not sure I could.  But suffice to say its definitely worth a read.  In fact if you're a fan of horror in film or literature then I'd recommend this one heartily.

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