I'll be updating this blog when I've read a new book or an article in the news that I'd like to keep a track of. This is my way of keeping a running record of what I've read and what I thought of it.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

The Space Merchants - Pohl and Kornbluth

What a great book.  Published in the early fifties this book encapsulates several key themes of the time...increasing consumerism, the rise of communism, the nascent environmental movement, space travel....all in about 200 pages.

The basic premise is that in the world of the book advertising agencies have become all powerful and because of their ability to control consumer behaviour effectively run the country and indeed the world.  Bored of this world and its limited opportunities they are turning their attention to a mission to Venus, a whole world of possibilities and markets to exploit.  Set this against an backdrop of a police state in thrall to the advertising agencies and throw in a terrorist group who are seeking to overthrow the current world order and you've got all the ingredients for a great book.

Parts of the book reminded me of the Count of Monte Cristo, which is no bad thing, others seem to have been the inspiration for Total Recall.

I really enjoyed this one.

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