I'll be updating this blog when I've read a new book or an article in the news that I'd like to keep a track of. This is my way of keeping a running record of what I've read and what I thought of it.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

Okay,  this one's a biggie.  1160 pages of Ayn Rands political and philosophical views

I decided to read this book as I had often read and heard that Ayn Rand was the poster girl for US Republicans and conservatives around the world....no thy enemy and all that.

First let me begin by saying that while I don't agree with all of the authors views I have to say she makes her point eloquently (and at some length).  However, I do think that her views may have been misread if current political leaders say they follow her advice (bailing out the banks being the very definition of helping an incompetent industry at the expense of others).

But back to the book.  Apart from a couple of points (notably the near 100 page speech by one character) the book doesn't drag.  In fact for a relatively serious book in large parts the story moves rapidly and with great purpose.

You also have to bear in mind when the book was written.  The main female protagonist while an impressive business woman is a sucker for any successful man, hardly the kind of role model that I imagine Rand would create today.

Overall I enjoyed the book and have actually taken a few points away from it....relating to people taking responsibility for their own actions and their own success or failure.  I'm planning on reading another of her books The Fountainhead in due course....thankfully that ones a little shorter so shouldn't have any 100 page speeches.

A classic and well worth reading.

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