I'll be updating this blog when I've read a new book or an article in the news that I'd like to keep a track of. This is my way of keeping a running record of what I've read and what I thought of it.

Friday 6 April 2012

Mockingjay - Suzane Collins

So I pretty much started reading this one 3 minutes after finishing the second book.  Not that I was really keen to see how the story finished or anything.

The final book in the trilogy neatly finishes off all the story lines but doesn't quite hold the imagination in the way the first book did.  In fact, the books are pretty much released in order of how good they are with the first one being by far the best read.  Still it was worth answering the questions the story and characters created by writing the second two books and I did enjoy them.  In fact they are one of those series of books that when you've finished reading them you find yourselves almost missing the main characters.

A thoroughly enjoyable trilogy and I'll be heading to the cinema to watch the film pretty soon.

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